Monday, November 21, 2011

Acne Scars? Is there something to fade them?

Is there a creme to fade them? or something?Acne Scars? Is there something to fade them?
Get something that exfoliates your skin. It will have little beads in itAcne Scars? Is there something to fade them?
lemon or lime juice is good for any scar or discoloration. lime and lemons have a natural bleaching. but remember over time scars do fade and get less noticable
Acne can be embarrassing at the best of times. I would try going into a site called and find out what users are saying about various products. Good hygene which involves regular bathing helps a lot. Good internal health is a major contributor to healthy skin. Consider going to see a wholistic health professional, they have some great supplements. Try and stay away from the junk foods. I鈥檝e also had good luck with a product called Acnezine. Below are a couple of articles I found you might find helpful. All the best!
Neutrogena has a their ';Advanced Solutions Acne Scar Facial Mask'; which is supposed to help these scars fade faster. I haven't tried it yet, but I like Neutrogena's products and I plan on trying it out. It's worth a shot, right?

Hope this helps.

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