Friday, August 20, 2010

2 questions...What's the best acne treatment and the best way to get rid of stretch marks and scars?

I need some cleaning up to do but serious can you help me out thanks!2 questions...What's the best acne treatment and the best way to get rid of stretch marks and scars?
You must learn how you should fix the internal problem that's causing your acne, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief. There are only few decent Sites and acne cure programs that can teach you exactly how to treat your acne from the inside. questions...What's the best acne treatment and the best way to get rid of stretch marks and scars?
There are a few ways to do it, either you can use the DIY method or try those proven treatment creams out on the market.

Try to massage the area with the stretch marks about three or four times a day with moisturizers that contain cocoa butter or shea butter as a prime ingredient. This hydrates the skin, making it more pliant. Again, this is most effective only in the initial stage.

If your stretch marks are already pass the initial stage (when they are red, purple, pink, or brown, depending on the color of your skin) and become white or silver (usually with deep indentation), then it would be far more difficult to minimize them, but not entirely impossible to ';remove'; them. But before you begin searching for these treatments, try to read more information on these topical treatments first.

Many are advertised to ';repair'; stretch marks, but few have actually been proven to be effective. Here's some that are available on the market:

a) Wheat germ oil - may help improve stretch marks in their early phase.

b) Glycolic acid - increases collagen production; can be administered in higher doses by a dermatologist (usually costs a few hundred bucks and requires a few visits before you see results)

c) Vitamin C - certain formulations might increase collagen production, but they'll only help with early-stage stretch marks; for best results, combine with glycolic acid.

d) Relastin - the effectiveness of this product is unknown and unverified.

e) Peptide-containing products - these ';repair'; creams are ineffective; there's no evidence that they work.

f) Retinoids - they're fairly effective in increasing collagen and elastic production in the early stages, but they should be avoided if you're pregnant or nursing; they're more effective when used in combination with glycolic acid.

I would recommend treatments that are using ';100% natural ingredients'; such as aloe vera. Aloe vera has been shown in clinical studies to have a positive effect on wound healing and holds anti-inflammatory properties.

As stretch marks start out as microscopic tears in skin layers due to overstretching of the dermis, aloe vera helps heal these small wounds without causing scar tissue to form, effectively preventing the appearance of stretch marks. Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Indians and Chinese to decrease the appearance of scars and to moisturize and heal skin. The extracts from the aloe leaf protects skin from environmental factors and promotes skin regeneration.

My friend recommended me this and I have been using for a few weeks now, have shown some positive results but I am monitoring the progress since the product have a 90 days return policy.

Feel free to check out the site here:

Take care...

Honestly, see a dermatologist is the only best acne treatment. They prescribe great medication. The medicine helps lessen the breakouts and stop the acne from forming. It wont totally fix it but it will help alot. Put it this way, I dont see a single pimple on my back right now and i use to have terrible acne on my back.

My stretch marks went from hideous to barely visable. I used this stuff called bio oil along with strivectin SD which is really expensive like 100 dollars but it lasts forever and works great. I also would reccommend purchasing a dermaroller. Try creams before surgery, i did and it worked for me. But, I was really determined to get rid of my stretch marks and out of frustration I rubbed the creams in hard for months, almost a year 2-3x a day for like 45 minutes. It worked, fortunatly for me.

Hope that helps :)
I've been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne/pimples temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your body depending on where it's at.

I mean of course your acne should go away eventually but for some this is the case their whole life.

I'm 29 years old and have been suffering from these little pests since I was a teenager. I tried all sorts of face washes from the local grocery store and what not, but nothing seemed to work. If anything it would just make my skin dry and itchy.

Literally the best acne face wash I've ever used has been this stuff called clearpores. It has got rid of the acne to quickest and has been a success ever since I got it. It's unique cause of it's herbal supplement you take a long with it that helps your skin from the inside out. I saved money on it at at the time which was helpful.

You should really look into this stuff and if you can to assure the best results, get the 3 month supply because if it doesn't work it will still save you butt on the return policy.

Well good luck and best wishes.
Follow the routine of cleansing, toning %26amp; moisturizing daily with products containing plants and fruit extract.

Be stress free,

drink lots of water, clean your face immediately after coming home.

Eat lots of fruits %26amp; vegetable.

For marks use Skin refinishing lotion by artistry. It works Wonders on any kind of scars except birth mark
It's a myth that food causes acne! Our son suffered from severe acne on face, chest and back. 2 dermatologists could not help him to get rid of his acne permanently. We did some research on our own and found an all-natural supplement called Actimine. There was lots of positive feedback on it and we decided to give it a try. Our son took it a couple of months and is virtually acne-free since then. The website below has some additional info, also on discounts. Hope that helps!
Never use proactive!!!!!!

But I use biore ice cleanser and clean and clear face pads and they work really well!

and to get rid of stretch marks coco butter or go to, I forget the name of it, but it works really well! I had to use it because I got stretch marks from doing splits in dance class.

But for acne scars? Their is this new stuff from neutrogena...I think its called rapid clear acne scar treatment?
This is an awesome ';how-to'; video on stretchmarks:鈥?/a>

Everyone's acne/skin is different- go to a dermatologist!鈥?/a>

Stretch marks=bio oil

DO NOT USE BIO OIL ON YOUR FACE only use aloe vera on the face to help with scars
one of the best is鈥?/a>
here are some remedies to treat acne:鈥?/a>

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