Monday, August 23, 2010

How to heal acne scars?

my face skin is oily and i try to wash it with facial cleaner stuff twice a day if i can. i still pop my acne (even though its bad) but i put that neosporin stuff on my face. it works sometimes. what should i do to heal the scars so my skin looks more clear?How to heal acne scars?
try medirma (or something like that)

it heals scars, and actually works!!How to heal acne scars?
One of the things that causes scars is popping pimples. Don't do it anymore. Instead, take a washcloth and wet it, drizzle your facial cleanser on it, and scrub the head off (best if you do this in the shower while your skin is nice and moist so the ';white head'; will come off easier). After showering/bathing, put Neosporin on your acne (which you were already doing).
I dont use neosporin when i pop a zit.To help reduce scars after poping a zit or two wash your face and than rinse with cold water.After doing so grab a icecube and just put it where you poped a zit.Thats what I do and it helps reduce the scars.
Mix nutmeg powder with a little unboiled milk and apply on acne and wash after an hour this remedy when done once or twice a week will not leave any acne marks on the skin . Check out for more useful info.
aloe vera lotion makes the scars lighter and less noticeable..

hope that helps!


There is a certain kind dedicated to scars and making them less noticable. I have a scar on my nose and after a week of using the stuff it was practically gone.

You can get it at basically ANY drug store (ie. shoppers drug mart,zellers....ect)

Hope I helped and good luck at getting rid of your scar!!!:)
I don't know they extent of your acne scarring, but I would check with a dermatologist! I know they have scar-reducing serums and creams on the market (Mederma for example). And definitely, KEEP YOUR HANDS OF THOSE PIMPLES! That makes everything worse!! You should also make sure you have a daily regimen for cleansing that you use. I started using Beauticontrol's All Clear Acne cleansing system and I have had WONDERFUL results. I tried everything for my acne but this product is amazing. Again, check with your dermatologist...they will know what is best for your skin!

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