Monday, August 23, 2010

What do i do about my acne scars???????

ok im 13 and i pick at my acne =( it left terrible discolored spots on my face. i've tried the neutrogena micro-dermibration kit, it help some but then it stoped working , and my face got worse. (i know i really need to stop picking). i've tried peels, lemon juice, ice, ambi, . but i told my mom to take me to a dermatologist. but what treatments do u think i am eligible of getting??What do i do about my acne scars???????
omg, i'm 13, my name is sydney too, %26amp; i'm in the same boat as you :[

they really suck.

but try not to pick. if you feel like picking, just think of how much worse your face will be.

buy neosporin[cream or ointment] it will help them heal %26amp; become much lighter. i was using it for about 2 weeks and it worked good. i'm going to buy more tomorrow!What do i do about my acne scars???????
In order to get ride of pimple scar, you should get ride of dark scar cells and make new cells grow to replace them. Most people use expensive cosmetics to nourish their face, but it is easy stuck in skin pores and bring pimple back again. What you need is keeping your face clean and nourish it at same time. You can try Chlorella Gel Cleanser. It is made edible algae. It can remove pimples quickly, and natural care skin simultaneously.
Are they like dark spots caused by past acne?

Maybe this'll help鈼?/a>

They'll probably fade in time tho
exfoliation and time.
bio oil

it works
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