Monday, August 23, 2010

Does palmers cocoa butter really take away acne scars?

ive been using it for a week now, i want to know if im wasting my time or not, does it really take away acne scars on the faceDoes palmers cocoa butter really take away acne scars?
No.Does palmers cocoa butter really take away acne scars?
If it did there would be no such thing as dermotologist. Its just wishful thinking. I really hate false advertising, its so not right and people just get ripped off. If your really bothered by your scars hun see if you can go to a dermotologist, sometimes a simple script containing Vitamin A can help but you would have to see a doctor. Good luck:)
I've used it for years and it has improved my acne scars significantly;however, I still have acne scars. It might or might not clear your acne scars. I'm looking into trying Bio-oil or Mederma, you might want to try one of the two.
I used it for stretch marks from pregnancy - it done nothing for me. So no, I dont believe it works. You could also try Bio-Oil
My Husbands Plastic surgeon had him use it after cancer surgery and grafts, it did nothing. His incision line is still clear as a bell.
I don't know anything with vitamin E is supposed to work well.

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