Monday, August 23, 2010

Does topical Vitamin E (applied directly on skin) improve or worsen atrophic (indented) acne scars?

I have heard that vitamin e stimulates collagen synthesis by stimulating fibroblasts but have read articles saying exactly the opposite; that being, vitamin e inhibits collagen synthesis and actually worsens indented acne scars.Does topical Vitamin E (applied directly on skin) improve or worsen atrophic (indented) acne scars?
1. Squeeze the juice out of fresh lemons or limes.

Apply the juice directly on your acne scars using a cotton ball. Let your skin soak up the lemon juice for a while before washing it off with water. Lemon juice improves the appearance of dark acne scars and blemishes by lightening them.

2. Slice up a tomato and place it over your face.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A that hinders overproduction of sebum that causes acne. Vitamin A also has antioxidant qualities that refreshes and renews scarred and damaged skin.

3. To treat acne scars, use this mixture as a face mask:

1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, and a few drops of lemon juice. Pat the mixture onto acne scars, leave on for 10 minutes, and rinse off.

4. Separate the white of an egg from the yolk

Beat the white/clear part %26amp; apply on face with cotton balls leave on for 15 minutes %26amp; wash of with warm water then again Rinse with cold water to tighten pores.Does topical Vitamin E (applied directly on skin) improve or worsen atrophic (indented) acne scars?
All science aside, I used vitamin E cream for years and it didnt do anything at all except make my skin soft.
It depends on your skin, the amount of Vit E or strength you are using. For atrophic scars caused by acne, i would recommend Microdermabrasion. It will smooth out the scars evenly. After the micro treatments, you will need several depending on the level of scarring. Do a skin peeling to even out your skin. Good Luck
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