Friday, August 20, 2010

I have acne scars and I'm meeting a stranger online!?

We met on this fansite and we're supposed to watch a movie together. But I haven't done this sort of thing because I'm insecure about my acne/acne scars.

I'm scared of going to the meeting place, waiting for hours. Then the person see me from afar and they just ditch me!

What would you do if the person you're meeting online is ugly? What do you think of when you see people with acne/acne scars?I have acne scars and I'm meeting a stranger online!?
If I have connected with that person online and had a good time chatting with them, I would just show up and have a good time regardless of how that person looked!

Just take it easy and don't worry about it too much.

Also if you are that bothered by the acne scars have you tried getting rid of them?

Perhaps some home remedies like:鈥?/a>


Or a simple all natural cream like the zenmed kit:鈥?/a>

Either way just be yourself - how you were online and I am pretty sure he/she will be pretty fun as well!

Good Luck with your meeting,

MI have acne scars and I'm meeting a stranger online!?
I think we all have our own scars and insecurities when meeting people for the first time. If this person is worth his weight in chili beans, he will at least meet you and watch the movie. The scars can't be that bad, and if he's turned off by them, he will just not ask you out again.
they havent seen pictures? and how bad of scars? and i dont really notice acne scars im sure youll be fine. if youre that worried you can cover them up a little with make up if you dont already. acne scars dont mean your ugly
If you ACT like it's a problem, that is IS a problem.

Just show up, and go from there...
well first of all your not supposed to meet people online in person cause most people tend to not be who they are

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