Tuesday, August 17, 2010


i have a few minor acne scars that i have been trying to get rid of for a while . right now im using tazorac but is there anything else i can use to speed up the process ?HOW CAN I GET RID OF MY ACNE SCARS ?
the best cheap home remedy. LEMON JUICE!!

it may burn so dilute it with water if you like. doesnt hurt me.

not only does it heal acne scars but the citric acid also prevents future acne. and it makes ur skin shine and soft again.

u can keep it on or wash it off after an hour or so.

make sure the lemon is fresh too or dont keep it for over 2 days (3 max in fridge) or it will start to rot and smell bad. my recommendation is just to squeeze one and use it in the morning and night.HOW CAN I GET RID OF MY ACNE SCARS ?
well i used fresh ones cause i think there are other ingredients in the lemon juice to preserve it. Report Abuse

i read you can rub the contents of a vitamin e capsule on it each night it is supposed to help over time. For something quicker, ask your chemist about a skin peeling product that helps fade scars.
Rub in Palmer's cocoa butter stick during the day while staying out of sunlight and liquid vitamin E rubbed in at night before bed can do it over time...
i use plamers cocoa butter formula it might not work really fast but u gotta let it take some time
  • maybelline
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