Saturday, July 24, 2010

Am looking for a product that INSTANTLY smoothes facial scars from acne.?

I was using a serum called ';Dream Lift'; from the drugstore, but now they don't sell it. Any other good ones out there that people have actually experienced with??Am looking for a product that INSTANTLY smoothes facial scars from acne.?
There is no instant repair for scars. Girl, we wish! But you can try skin clarifying lotions and give them about 2-3 weeks to start noticing any difference. Just to name a few on the market...

Caudalie's Vinoperfect

Proactiv's Skin Lightening Lotion

I highly recommend the Proactiv one because I have tried it and it really did work.Am looking for a product that INSTANTLY smoothes facial scars from acne.?
i dont think theres anything that works for scars instantly cuz it ussually takes a few weeks to notice a difference ( =

i would recomend Bio oil it really does work with scaring, although it will not remove the scaring altogether and the effects of the reducing of the scaring will not appear for i week or two, this really is a good product and worth a try, or at least a look at the home page to read up on it and see some befor and after pics of how well it works.

See the below link for the Bio oil home page.

Hope this helps. Charlie
I can't think of an instant solution but vitamin E products and taking the capsuls are great for that until then green concealer hides red marks %26amp; yellow hides bluish greens! Use a nutral concler over them and carry on with your usual make up routin!
Yes there is. It is topical vitamin-C and Copper Peptide.

It is a two step process. First you exfoliate using 1-2% salicyclic acid or 7-15% glycolic acid to encourage the removal of damaged skin proteins and then the application of Topical-Vitamin C or Copper Peptide to stimulate the generation of collagen and skin repair. Check out for more information about copper peptides, topical vitamin-C study and info on how you can make your own topical-Vitamin-C.
The present by Philosophy helps hides the scars but doesn't get rid of them. And for a soft color they have the supernatural airbrush that instantly covers the scars and give a hint of color. To help fade appearance of the scars they have a product called help me that helps.

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