Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just got proactive and im wondering dose it cover up the acne scars or does it remove them?

proactiveJust got proactive and im wondering dose it cover up the acne scars or does it remove them?
in my case i never even had acne scars until i used little red spots on my cheeks that take months to go away. never had that before. but it does seem to help with acne in general, just not scars.Just got proactive and im wondering dose it cover up the acne scars or does it remove them?
poractive doesnt work for all skin types.

if you don't see results it means that this product isn't for you.

other options.

clean %26amp;clear or

Proactive might cover the scars up. I dont think it makes the disappear but make them less noticeable. I do use proactive every once in a while. I cant use it every day as it causes my skin to burn.

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