Monday, July 26, 2010

Where do you buy aloe for acne scars?

is it in lotion form, cream or etc??? and where do you buy themWhere do you buy aloe for acne scars?
pharmacies..CVS, Ekerds (rite aid) harmon..any drugstore would have themWhere do you buy aloe for acne scars?
You can buy it anywhere really, although you are better off looking in health food stores. I bought some aloe vera gel that I use to help with my oily skin and to use as a primer and it's 99% pure, which is almost as good as you might be able to get. I would probably go to a store that sells products for your face and ask them if they know what form of aloe vera would work best for scarring.
aloe is basically that stuff that helps out sun burns, you can get it in the sunblock isle, but the plan is easy to come by and its the same thing so check out walmart and i've had acne bad and the only thing that really works is scrubbing your face with hot water every night and morning
A ten-year acne sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my acne condition in 3 days the natural way, saved myself from further scarring, and stopped wasting my money on expensive medications and over-the-counter products!

For, More Information,鈥?/a>
I've never herd of aloe for acne scars but mederma works really well. You can get it at walmart, cvs, walgreens. Basically any type of drug store. Make sure to get the one with SPF ! Going out in the sun with the scars will just make them apear darker.
Oh I have [had] the same problem. I bought Acne free from Wal mart for 15 dollars and it works pretty good. Theres severe and regular. so it depends on what you want it for.
They have aloe gel and it works really well for acne scars %26amp; sunburns.

You can get it at Wal-Mart, any drugstore, Target
From any drug store. Just look for aloe vera in gel form with no added color or alcohol. I get one by Fruit of the Earth.
you can get mederma

thats the best for scars

i used it on my scars for one year

from car wreck
Aloe doesn't help acne or scars, it only helps relieve pain from burns.
walmart or anything like that will have it

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