Monday, July 26, 2010

Whats the best cure for acne Scars and how to get rid of black heads.?

my boyfriend has really deep scars.

also has black heads on my nose they are so small you cant get them outWhats the best cure for acne Scars and how to get rid of black heads.?
Steam for the blackheads

Doctor for the acne scarsWhats the best cure for acne Scars and how to get rid of black heads.?
You can buy patches which are applied to a wet nose, when the patch dries (Usually 10 mins) lift the patch along with the blackheads. Works very very well.
vitamin E for the scars
Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to acne Scars/ black heads.

Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:

Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/


Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/

Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair


Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness

Makeup/Hair styles
i have never tried this, but i was given these advice on blackheads:

-pour a little bit of white vinegar on a cotton and delicately rub the area where the blackheads are, then wash with cold water.

-get a bit of natural yogurt (no sugar or anything, plain yogur) and mix it with a smashed aspirin (not efervescent, but a normal one) and massage the area with the mixture.
bio oil for scars - women use it for stetch marks/scars.

for black heads try nose strips that you stick on and pull off tor remove them, may work.
For the scars, try a treatment of microdemabrasion. It only takes the top layer of skin and allows it to heal before the next treatment. Follow-up with a good skin care product to nurture and feed the cells. Blackheads, yuck Steam is great to open the poors on the face. Establish a good consistant (ie. 2-3 x's wk) pattern for great results. Follow up with a good cleanser and toner (to close the pours) and moisturize. Stay away from anything oily or greasy. Mostly do not use a product to dry your skin out this will only excrete more oils and your problem will be worse. Also use a scrub weekly in addition to your cleaning and you could use Biori strips on the nose once a week but not while your scrubing and steaming. Use on the off days. Good luck
dermabrasion is really the best answer but you would have to see you GP. Don't squeeze you blackheads, may a little witch hazel night and morning.
For acne scars, I've used products from 30glycolic. They're skin peels you do yourself at home. Start with a 10 percent kit until your skin gets use to it. then if needed you can move up to a stronger peel. One thing you can do to help prevent more blackheads is to put some peroxide instead of bleach in when you wash your pillow cases. And change your pillow cases daily. You can also use it to wash your face, A bottle of 3 percent peroxide cost around 3 or 4 dollars in the store.
An extremely professional facial course and treatment with expensive lotions and potions. Microdermebrasion can then help heal the scars....Research local beauty therapists with a great reputation. Its the only way. Don't trust just any body, they can make it worse. It's worth the investment as its the only skin you get for the rest of your life. All these home made recipes are for minor disorders. From what you have described its much more severe and needs professional treatment, so as not to scar any more.
Acne scars there is a cream called 'Fade Out' and you can get it from the chemist. Another thing to do would be to have a chemical peel from a reputable place. Vitamin E oil is great for scars, try getting them in vitamin form, piercing it with a pin and putting the oil on the scars.

For blackheads steam your face over a bowl of boiling water and a towel over your head as you lean over the bowl, for about 10-15 minutes. This opens your pores. Then, get a facial scrub cream and exfoliate gently. Then, get a mudd mask (boots, sainsbury's or tesco's etc) and leave this on. After rinsing off, put cold water on your face to close pores again, and moisturise. If you still have trouble, for about 30-40 pounds, go for a facial where beauticians will sort this out for you. I have heard that rubbing a raw potato on your blackheads get this out too, look it up or try it!

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