Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do i get rid of acne scars?

this is my face... and you can see the scars and how ugly they make me. :(鈥?/a>How do i get rid of acne scars?
I have done a lot of research on this topic because I have this problem as well. The scars usually go down to the dermis, the layer of skin below the top, epidermis, layer of skin. So no matter how much you exfoliate with scrubs and microdermabrasion kits at home, or do peels with glycolic acid, you're only helping to remove the top layer and any new skin formed will show the scars. So... I found out about something called scar massage: you basically rub the scar in opposing directions, the goal being to try to loosen the fibrous tissue that's connecting the scar tissue to the epidermis. This also helps build collagen, the good tissue between the dermis and epidermis. If the scar is on a bony area, use the bone and press the scar against it, while rubbing left and right, up and down, and in circles. If the scar is not on a bony area, pinch it with your fingers and try to do the same thing, moving it in as many different directions as possible. If you notice the area getting red, that's a good sign: that means you are increasing blood circulation to the area and anything you have loosened up can be removed by the blood and discarded from your body. You can also help make scars lighter with hydroquinone. I think the FDA has banned it from over the counter products but you can get it by prescription. Retin-A is a great product as well, it helps exfoliate your skin, basically. I would always recommend doing your own research on any products you use on or in your body.How do i get rid of acne scars?
The last person was right microdermabarsion ( a series DONE BY A PROFESSIONAL, not an at home kit, because it is not the same thing.) or chemical peels are really the only things that will take scars away, or if they are really really bad make them less noticeable. You should go see a licensed esthetician, or a dermatologist and they can do that for you. good luck!
go to a Sephora makeup store and ask the people there for something that would cover it up. I do believe Sephora has makeup strong enough to cover up birthmakrs and tattoos, so it should work fine in your case.
you can get them lasered
you should go to a dermatologist if not try some cocoa butter.
Are you sure they are acne scars? They don't look like that, looks quite like freckles to me.
Lazar treatment ain't cheep but it works
I thought they were freckes :) is the best product! You should try it!

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