Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wat is a home remedy i can use to get rid of acne scars and acne forever?

This natural treatment has worked wonders for many people and if you research my Best Answers you will find some of them. It麓s a permanent cure and it麓s safe, low cost and uses natural products that are beneficial to the skin and you will see quick results..

Massage with a quite strong, vigorous motion(that is the key to it working) once a day - better at night as initially it makes face flushed. You will find you can make it more vigorous as you progress. Use an organic or natural oil - olive oils work really well. Skin is always shedding and renewing, the massaging friction hastens a fresh, clearer skin to emerge. Initially, the skin has to adjust and if soreness, breakouts or other reactions happen - skin might expel poisons that need to be expelled - then stop and resume when you can. You have to find the pace that works for you - it's different for every person. Stick with it %26amp; in about a week you will see a great improvement(some report results in a matter of days) Keep up a massage routine and your skin will completely clear. It rids skin of many problems - many also caused by harmful ingredients in cleaning %26amp; other products. It cures dry skin, oily skin, large pores, discolorations, even scars and moles. You will not need to use any other product or treatment and you will not need to moisturise. Only unhealthy skins need constant moisturizing. Some skin clinics may tell you to only massage gently but this treatment has only been beneficial to the many who have tried it. MOST OF THE OIL ABSORBS INTO THE SKIN AND YOU CAN SIMPLY WET FACE AND PAT DRY BEFORE SLEEPING.

SOURCE(S): 20+ years research into natural treatments and healing cures of skin, scalp and hair disorders and natural anti-aging and rejuvenation treatments.Wat is a home remedy i can use to get rid of acne scars and acne forever?
Here's the best skin care regimen I've ever found:

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