Monday, July 26, 2010

For acne scars should i do surgery or there a goo product out there that works good!!:)?

Of course it depends on how deep the scars are and if your acne is now gone.

I had adult acne and first tried to get rid of it by getting a good facial. That was a horrible idea and made my acne worse. I then went to a dermatologist and my problems were gone with a few things. I did some oral anti-biotics for a few weeks and I did a cycle of Clyndomycin twice a day and Differin at night. The acne and most of the scars dissapeared in a few months. I still use Clyndomycin daily and its been 4 years later and I don't believe I have any visible scars left anymore.

I would definitely recommend that you see a dermatologist and get on the Clyndomycin and Differin lotions. They are really effective.

The over the counter stuff is too dangerous to mess with,

Good luck!For acne scars should i do surgery or there a goo product out there that works good!!:)?
definately try bare minerals

its a powder that can cover acne scars %26amp; it works really well

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