Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tretinoin treatment for acne scars?

its not really acne scars i have on my face, its small red spots, which are smooth to touch, not bumpy, but i have prescribed tretinoin treatment .05%. Does anyone know how long this will take to worK? has anyone used it before?

Thanks!Tretinoin treatment for acne scars?
i went on tretinoin 50mg twice a day, and i only have 2 months left. This drug shrinks the oil glands to conditions at birth, which creates bacteria and acne. Tretinoin gets rid of acne but leaves scars, so 6months after, u get dermabrassion, the removal of the outer layer of skin and scars. This drug works amazingly, but its so dangerous, like for ur liver, mental state, eyes, lips, etc. I used to have the worst acne in the grade, and its all gone except for small red poks (scars), they will disapeear over time and there are treatments while u are on the drug that are superficial like the liquid nitrgoen

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