Monday, July 26, 2010

What's the best makeup? to prevent and cover acne or acne scars?

concealer or foundation works great

first apply lotion or a moisturizer on your face then put on the foundation or whatever

that way, your acne won't show up as muchWhat's the best makeup? to prevent and cover acne or acne scars?
Well, you really should leave your scars alone. If you want to cover them up, use oil free makeup. It's the best for acne scarring and/or scars. As for acne, don't put too many layers on your face when you have acne. It will make your skin produce more oil, since it cannot breathe. As for what type of makeup you should use, is a light amount of any colour blush you want, some eyeliner and any colour eyeshadow you want. You want your skin to breath and get as much air as possible. Also, you cannot do anything to prevent acne forever, but you can clean your face with sensitive face cleanser and oil-free moisturizer. Hope this helps.What's the best makeup? to prevent and cover acne or acne scars?
The mineral make up, that is good for all kinds of skin tone.

My sister and most of her friends use it now and looks very natural in their skin. Mac is good too.

they have different kind of concealer and base for all kind of skin, Oily, dry or sensitive skin.

When you wash your face, avoid washing it with soap.
you should google Dinair Airbrush Makeup...its exactly what ur looking for. Ive been using it for 2 years and ive never been happier with makeup. 1st of all its all water based so its not bad for ur skin cause it doesnt clog ur pores. Secondly it makes my skin look flawless. they have this stuff u can put onto ur scars that fills thm up and makes them skin level and then u airbrush over them and it makes the scares nearly invisible..i LOVE their make...hope i helped...=)
two face bronzer and concealer is so good and comes in so many in between shades and its so goodit can even cover over freckles which are darker than scarsand it smooths over acne too
moose foundation :)

and oil free makeup
  • maybelline
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