Saturday, July 24, 2010

How can i get rid of my ACNE scars??

my face is covered with acne scars, and I know my scars won't completely 100% disappear, but HOW can I get them to fade or lighten up.

in your personal experience, what have you tried that worked? didn't work??

thank you

*i hate wearing cover-up/foundation/etc.How can i get rid of my ACNE scars??
I used AcneFree Scar Fade %26amp; Erase System, it helped some but if your planning on going to a dermatologist soon, dont use anything. I did for a while and while it made them less visible it kind of pushes them deeper in the skin, making it harder and more expensive for a dermatologist to remove. I still struggle with the problem but finally went to a dermatologist. Also some facial peel's you can egt over the counter but they dont work as good as something by a dermatologist would. Good luck I really know where your coming from it really sucks.How can i get rid of my ACNE scars??
Vitamin E Cream works really well if you have patients

Also Mederma helps really well....

You you have lots of money, then you could get laser surgery
buy aloe vera juice and drink it daily as well as either buy a leaf from the market and put the gel on your face or just put the juice on your face. It clears up everything,,,even skin problems from cancer! I swear by it and anyone who I have ever given this advice to will tell you the same! it takes only a couple of days for you to see results! just try it and I know you will be some research, also! good luck.
wait like 10 years for them to fade to about a 20%
I heard that plane old 'peroxide' is good. And to get rid of pimples, you can put honey on it and cover it with a band-aid befor you go to sleep.... An old remedy. It should kill the germs.
light laser thing.
skin yourself
Unfortunately all you can do is cover up with makeup, maybe a light foundation?....
vitamin e cream

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