Monday, July 26, 2010

Does anybody have a good home remedy for acne scars?

ive seen things like this can some one give me things I'll probably have at homeDoes anybody have a good home remedy for acne scars?
You can check these home remedies. I'm sure that one of them should be useful for you. Good luck!!!

When the skin lubricated, become clogged or are not regenerated in sufficient quantity to handle the load this may result in whiteheads or blackheads being formed. Pimples are then formed when the bacteria is released from these clogged pores.

For serious blemishes, try washing with Fels-Naptha soap, strong stuff for oily skin. However, if your skin is normal or dry, you鈥檒l need something gentler for your face.

Clearing Up The Outside From The Inside Grandma, like mothers everywhere, swears that all the high-fat food we love so much does a number on our complexions. Scientists may not be quite as convinced, but to be on the safe side, avoid chocolate, chips and fried foods.

Eating more brown rice is good advice for improving overall health. It is also good for your complexi贸n. To ward off pimples and other facial blemishes, make brown rice a regular part of your diet.

Keeping the skin and body hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily is an effective method of keeping the skin clear and assisting it in clearing wastes.

Studies show that zinc deficiency may contribute to acne. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking a supplement, since too much zinc may have harmful side-effects.

Spread It On Thick To help fight pimples, use a paste of onion and honey. Cook one sliced onion in a half cup honey until it is tender. Mash with a fork to form into a paste and allow the mixture to cool. Apply to the problem 谩rea, leaving it on for an hour before rinsing away with warm water. Use this treatment every night before going to bed until your complexion is clear and sparkling. An application of egg whites helps distribute the skin鈥檚 natural oils more evenly, eliminating both dry and oily patches.

Swab the egg white on your face with a cotton ball, allow to stand for five minutes and remove. Studies have shown that certain amino acids in the egg white鈥檚 protein may have some anti-inflammatory properties. In most cases, small blemishes and pimples can be eliminated or reduced in size in a matter of days.

Oatmeal has long been used to control the spread of acn茅, as well as to speed up the healing process. Prepare the oatmeal as directed (without the milk, brown sugar, and raisins, of course!) and apply to the face. Let it stand for ten to fifteen minutes before washing off. The abrasive action of the oats cleanses deeply and increases the peripheral circulation in the affected 谩rea, which speeds up healing.

Acne and eczema as well as psoriasis have responded well to a paste made from the grain amaranth and placed on the 鈥榓ffected area. Internally, it is taken as a tea. Take two teaspoons of the fresh seeds and cover them with boiling water, simmer on low heat for five to six minutes, remove from the heat and add two to three amaranth leaves and allow to steep for thirty to forty minutes. Two cups per day should provide relief from a number of skin problems.

Super Strawberry Facial If you have a chronic problem skin, try Grandma鈥檚 Super Strawberry Facial. It takes a little while to prepare, so you have to plan ahead. About four hours before you鈥檒l want to go to bed, combine a cup of mashed strawberries in two cups of white eider vinegar. By the time you鈥檙e ready to go to bed, it should be ready. Make sure you strain out all the solids and keep the liquid. Apply liberally to your face. Don鈥檛 worry, it dries quickly. In the morning, rinse your face with warm water. It鈥檚 as good an astringent as anything you can buy. Your face will feel clean and tight. It shouldn鈥檛 be long before you can kiss those pimples good-bye.

Make An Astringent At Home Blackheads respond well to lemon juice, a substance with wonder-ful astringent properties. Rub lemon juice over the blemished skin before going to bed and rinse with cool water in the morning. After a couple of days, you should see definite results.

Vinegar is a mild acid and cleans the affected area, reducing bacterial levels. Apply apple eider vinegar with a cot-ton swab and allow to stand for ten minutes before removing with a mild soap.

You鈥檒l find cucumber toners in most expensive lines of skin care products. Cucumber extract soothes skin and helps dry out acne. Juice a cucumber and apply it to your blemishes with a cotton ball. After fifteen minutes, rinse your faceDoes anybody have a good home remedy for acne scars?
Pineapple juice has a good amount of ascorbic acid which acts as a good bleach for the skin, so when applied often and washed after 10 or 15 minutes help a great deal in reducing acne,pimple scars. More such solutions at
Vitamine E is good for all kinds of scars. Much better than Mederma and other ';specialty'; scar medicine. Also, try exfoliating regularly to get off the top layer of skin. Use one of those facial scrubs or small round sponges for the face.
Bio oil. It works best on dark scars.

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