Monday, July 26, 2010

How do I get rid of acne scars on my face, small dark spots?

those brown pigmentations or red spots will disappear with time. if not you can try using hydroquinone. but it is very drying and causes skin cancer as well. pitted scars will require dermabrasion and laser treatments. ask your dermatologist or plastic surgeon and discuss with them.

also, it's important to not let yourself get tanned.those dark spots that get left behind after a pimple is healed remains longer on tanned skin. This has got to do with the mechanism about melanin formation. in addition, exfoliate your face regularly to remove the dead skin cells so that your face can get rid of those 'dark spots cells' gradually and naturally.

in any case, exude confidence in yourself! good luck!How do I get rid of acne scars on my face, small dark spots?
Tea tree oil. It is a cure all... It's safe and doesn't hurt.. Cheap and can be gotten from Walgreens, drugstores..etc.鈥?/a>

Try it.. I use it and I have amazing results, it almost works overnight.. you have to use it consistently as with anything else.. but it is very very good. I highly reccommend trying this.

Also if you don't have a face exfoliator.. you can mix baking soda with the tea tree oil for a paste.. it works very well.. and afterwards dab tea tree oil on them.. it works good. =)

Oh and use it only before bed cause you don't wanna smell like it during the day cause the scent is very strong. If tea tree oil dosen't work, you can always try witch hazel.How do I get rid of acne scars on my face, small dark spots?
Exfoliate using 1% salicylic acid and then use topical ascorbic acid or topical copper peptide.
get some bio-oil or something like that and then rub it on and then that'll mean that the scar will fade and eventually might evn go comletely

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