Monday, July 26, 2010

What should i try for my acne and acne scars?

Apply vitamin E (capsule) on your face about once a day and take 16000 IU of Vitamin A, 400 IU of Vitamin E, and a Vitamin B-Complex.What should i try for my acne and acne scars?
I know some people that have used Mederma on their acne scars and they swear by it!What should i try for my acne and acne scars?
There is a Clearasil cleaner skin in 3 days i swear my life on it !!!
Pro-Active and mederma. You will be amazed at the results. But... like any product, it does not work over night. Stick with the prescribed routine and you will love the results.
I don't know what can get rid of your acne scars, but I do know that if you only eat carrots for three days and drink plenty of water, it will get rid of the acne.
See a dermotologist. Each person is different.
aloevera, natural best right from the plant if you can!
I use Proactive- it works
i have used proactiv retin-a and something else perscribed by a derm. proactiv works as good as the perscrip and is a hell of alot cheaper
Buy ';Pure Multani Mitti'; from any Indian store and make a face pack by mixing it with water. Apply a thin layer on your face , let it dry completely , wash with cold water. As it is dry, it sucks out the oil from your face . Also a good cleanser that lightens the acne spots gradually. Try this once or twice a day.

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