Saturday, July 24, 2010

Best cover up for guys with acne scars?

Need to find something to cover up some red acne scars, what is the best stuff to do that with i can pick up at like a walgreensBest cover up for guys with acne scars?
I would say that a concealer. make sure its your color and then it wont be necissary for a foundation.

There are actually treatments you can get for acne scarring. Chemical Peels, or Microdermabrasion are great ones.

Exfoliating 2-3 times weekly is a great way also to keep the scarring down. To exfoliate you can either use a mask type, or you can use a wash cloth. With a wash cloth to wash your face, it wont do as much with a chemical exfoliant

Good luck!Best cover up for guys with acne scars?
Try a tinted moisturizer. Very natural look with a little coverage. Or if its just a few random spots use a undereye concealer and apply a little dot over the spot and blend with your finger. Dont put too much, you want it to look like you have nothing on.

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