Monday, July 26, 2010

How do i get rid of my acne scars?

Try this, it worked wonders on my chicken pox scabs. Purchase a bottlel of pure Vitamin E capsules. Wash your face, and let it dry abit. Poke a hole in the capsule and apply. Your face will be sticky, but after a few days, you may see some improvement. I had so many scabs and now i just have one tiny scar. Keep using until you notice an improvement. Obviously, before applying again, wash your face to remove the residue of the oil. Use once a day.How do i get rid of my acne scars?
you and me both have this problem. Im going to try bio oil soon, i read a little about it, and it seems like it could work. theres also mederma or something.How do i get rid of my acne scars?
Depends, are they scars or pock marks? Scars you can get scar clearing stuff that you can apply to your face, pock marks are there forever.
you dont

thats what a scar is

its there forever

haha sucks for you!
buy some sandpaper and go sand your face to an instant smooth shine
micro demabration works really well
Let me lick your face.

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