Monday, July 26, 2010

What makes acne scars go away?

I broke out really bad a few months ago. I went to he dermatologist and he gave me this cream and pills to take. Now my acne is clearing up BUT i still have the scars from some of the acne.

What helps the scars go away.

WHAT REALLY HELPS??? and makes them go away. I am inpatient and like to see results.

PLEASE HELP???What makes acne scars go away?
Vitamin E always works for me!

Are your scars like real bad? Or just like one or two? But anywho vitamin E will get rid of em all. Find it in CVS.What makes acne scars go away?
Acne is very common in young people during their teenage years.This condition is apparently due to certain hormone changes in the body.It is particularly prevalent during early adolescence years from twelve to sixteen years of age, and more likely to occur in those with an oily skin.In the early stage a black head may come and blocks the outlet of an oilgland within the skin.

Some girls develop acne just before menstruation.This only lasts for a day or two and are of no consequence.But when the Acne continues over months or years, it is very distressing, especially to a young man or woman.And something should definitely be done urgently to clear up the condition

This is where Acnezine solution comes in.We recommend Acnezine solution to you.

Acnezine solution is a revolutionary acne skin care system formulated to treat acne from the inside-out.The Acnezine Solution is not just another topical acne treatment product. It is an entire skin care management system that finds the source of your acne and not only heals the blemishes you have, but also treats future outbreaks that you don't even see yet!
your skin will remodel over a period of a year so unfortunately you may just have to be patient. In the meantime you could try vitamin E cream, it's supposed to be good for healing scars and stretch marks. Ultimately, some adults will still have scars from acne. The best way to get rid of scars after you have grown up is laser therapy.
Lol funny I have the cream and pill 2. What really works I assume your talking about pocmarks. The scars that leave within 6 months. Its about $30 its under the brand Acne Free. They come in 4 tubes and it really works within 3 days. I was just wondering if you could tell me how long it takes for the cream and pill to work? I just started today...I am exstreamly aggrivated with my acne and I know ow it is to be impatient you want to see results the moment you first try it. But I helped a bit. I feel your pain.
I would try scar on.

I'm not 100% sure it works, but I've used head on and that works very well, and it's made by the same company.

It's worth a shot.

I have the same problem, and I'm going to try it too.

Also, you can try bio oil, I've been trying that, but haven't seen any results yet.
ok this may sound weird but mix these things together:






lemon juice

sausage meat

big mac sause and


they will go away and you will never see another scar again
well, you're skin will take a while to repair itself so you need patience. Try a good apricot scrub, twice a day. It will even out skin tone and diminish scars.
Well I know for sure that Duac (a topical perscription) does help with scars. It's used for clearing acne but it takes scars away within a week. Also try just regular scar gel.
u need to stop picking your face and make surrrre to wear sunscreen. if u expose them to sun they will turn red. you can get them lazered off at the dermatologist
I tried mederma and its really good,, and highly recommended.
you can try vitamin E oil... or just stay moisturized... it will take time no matter what you use, until they go away try a concealer
those acne wipes.. or blush or somthing that will make it INVISAAABLE oooooooooooo

lol yeah that was dumb wasnt it..

but yeah taht should work hope it works =D

♥ Cal
CoCo Butter or Vitamine E really help.

My cousin had the same problem and he had scar galore!....but now its better because of the Vitamine E
Time sometimes if not try paint.
if you pee on them they will go away
use that cream to make scars go away i've seen avritisments for them on tv

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