Thursday, July 22, 2010

If you wear makeup and have sensitive, dry skin with acne and scars, answer this question.?

okay my skin is dry with acne, but it gets very sweaty. i use proactive.

im looking to see what kind of makeup other people with the same type of skin use:

what is your makeup regimen? ( products, steps, how to use them for the best effect )

for those of you that use proactive, what makeup works best with the program? has any tried the proactive makeup?If you wear makeup and have sensitive, dry skin with acne and scars, answer this question.?
Natural is beauty :DIf you wear makeup and have sensitive, dry skin with acne and scars, answer this question.?
I used Proactive for a time, but I'm one of the handful that it doesn't work on. My skin is dry, with acne, and I scar terribly. I use Revlon Color Stay Foundation, but I use the one for combination skin. It seems to be less greasy then the one for dry skin. Before applying my foundation, I put on Olay sensitive skin face moisturizer with SPF 15. I do not use soap on my face. I tried it, but it only worsened my acne and dry skin. Now I use make up removing face wipes. I tried many before I found one that worked for me. It's the Wal-Mart brand Equate. The facial cleansing towelettes. Since I switched, my face has cleared up a lot. I still have a few issues now and then, but nothing as comparable as it was.
I have the same skin condition as you, and what I do is but on a lot of lotion that's for dry skin which helps, then I use regular make-up products.
Me being a guy, my routine may be different than the women out there. First, for dry skin with acne, you'd need to look into a couple different products. Retin-A topical creams which are normally prescribed but you can find them online from some websites. Retin-A will make your skin a little worse for the first week while using it but then after you'll see dramatic results. The only catch is to stay away from sun exposure almost entirely, or if in sun wear protective clothing/high spf. Ok for the dry skin part, you can use a glycerin based cleanser to keep it healthy and moisturized.Cetaphil or Cerave is great for that. As for makeup, I use foundation sometimes on my skin after using alpha hydroxy acid cleansers/cetaphil. The good ones with some spf protection as well as acne prevention (salicylic acid) would be the neutrogena liquid makeup lines.

My typical routine for face before i go anywhere is:

wash face with L'oreal Vitamin C anti aging cleanser

then wash face with cetaphil

then i apply a thin layer of vaseline cocoa butter lotion %26amp; spf

then when needed, i use the neutrogena makeup.

So far its been working pretty good for me, keeping everything hydrated. Hope this gives you insight. Don't feel discouraged to try different routines!

As for Proactive, its all marketed bullshit. You need to really go to the stores or even Sephora. They can let you know which would work best as well.
always wear make up protection before applying make up.
I don't have your condition but I know that Sudocrem after you wash your face in the morning works. Then before you go bed at night, you wash your face and apply Bio-Oil because that heals skin and scars. Try it out for a week and see the difference!
1. Put a moisturiser on your face I recommend the ';Simple'; Range.

2. Blot your face with a oil remover wipe.

3. Apply any sort of makeup but only a little bit. Try Oil free foundation it does exist!!!

4. If you dont want to use this technique take advise from a pharmacist!!!!

Try this website:鈥?/a>

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