Monday, July 26, 2010

I have 6 weeks to get rid of back acne scars so if there are any suggestions give me a shout.?

right now i just started to put a postmark fading peel cream on and I'm using a spot gel, oxy pads a body wash to get rid of oil, and a scar gel.I have 6 weeks to get rid of back acne scars so if there are any suggestions give me a shout.?
I had some acne scars on my face, and my dermatologist gave me some skin-bleaching cream (Rx only. I'm using the generic brand, but the brand name is Solaquin Forte鈥?/a> ). It sounds unusual, but it's working great at getting these marks lighter. After my marks are gone, my dermatologist tells me I can get laser surgery to resurface my face if I see any dents or anything like that, so I'll end up with a smooth, clear face. You may want to go to a dermatologist to see if they can give you this or a similar treatment.I have 6 weeks to get rid of back acne scars so if there are any suggestions give me a shout.?
Use lotion it will do wonders make sure it has vitaman E in it. vitaman e is what is in all of the anti scar products and makes your skin look perfect.
Rose hips are the seed pod left after the rose petals fall off. You have probably heard of rose hip tea, recommended because it is so rich in Vitamin C. The oil from rose hips, often called rosa mosqueta, is very nutritious and consists of 80 percent essential fatty acids. It was a mainstay of the Incas, for example, for its nutritional qualities.

Rose hip oil is also renowned for its benefits for the skin. In fact, it has multiple benefits. It is particularly famous for any scars, including acne scars. Read about them here:鈥?/a>

I got this info off they have lots of stuff for scars I will give you more links.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

I have heard a lot of good things about Apple Cider Vinager.

Good luck with your scars,I hope they fade away.


sounds like you are doing everything you can. I would just suggest staying hydrated and making sure you keep the area moisturized
try using vitatimin e oil.... this is really good for the skin and helps to encourage healing

good luck :)

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