Saturday, July 24, 2010

How can I remove my freckles and acne scars?

when i was 18 and my acne started going away i was left with scars,so what i did was i took my mom's anti-aging lotions and creams that fade away dark spots and it worked wonderfully,now its not gonna work overnight but give it like a month,freckles on the other hand are forever there's no way to get rid of those but you can hide it with make-upHow can I remove my freckles and acne scars?
You can use skin lightners. You can wear them while sleeping. They work, but first you have to try many before you find one that works with your skin type. Most results are seen within 1-3 months so you have to be patient. ( I almost gave up so many times) Also, some products you must wear sunscreen/sunblock during the day when you use their product. Make sure you read all the directions. Prices can vary too. Sephora or a drug store is a good place to buy one. Some places offer money back guarantees. I know Shop Etc./Lucky magazines always test out products and feature them as articles and let you know what works and how much. I use Intensive Holistic Lightener by DDF. Don't forget to keep up your daily face wash regimen too.How can I remove my freckles and acne scars?
The mederma for scars is excellent. Porcelana is great for freckles, discolored age spots, or discolorations.
Go to a skin care institute or a dermatoligist and ask them about a ';chemical peel';. I have had a series of three chemical peels and they really helped fade my scars and reduce the appearance of my freckles. It is a little painful and can be a little pricey but deffinately worth it if you are serious about it. It cost me $100 for each peel.
  • neutrogena
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