Monday, July 26, 2010

I have a lot of scars as a result of acne. how can i get rid of them?

My acne has gotten a lot better and would be barely noticeable without the scars! I really want to get rid of the scars. What can I do to get rid of them?I have a lot of scars as a result of acne. how can i get rid of them?
crazy4him, I started having really bad acne problems beginning when I was 15. I had acne on my cheeks that was embarrasing. I tried Proactiv, Zyporex, Oxycerin, and even the Asso Gold Cleaning Bar with limited results. I wound up visitng a dermatologist. After 2 months nearly all of my acne cleared up. I suggest you try differnent products until you find one that works for your body type. have a lot of scars as a result of acne. how can i get rid of them?
# Have a chemical peel performed. This is a good treatment for very light acne scarring. Different types of acid are applied to the top layer of the skin. The acid is then removed about 15 minutes later. Again this will remove the top damaged layers of the epidermis. Redness and swelling is common after the procedure. Depending on the amount of acid applied, recovery time can take from a day to a couple of weeks.

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