Thursday, July 22, 2010

Best cures for facial Acne SCARS?

Small scars left even after the spot has gone and

areas that look like red pin-pricks on cheeks.Best cures for facial Acne SCARS?
Vitamin E gets rid of scars. You can just pop open a pill and put it directly on your face. :)Best cures for facial Acne SCARS?
I have this EXACT problem. I had read something about Vitamin E being good for that, so I went to Target and bought some Vitamin E Oil. Every night I've been massaging it on my face and then going to bed. It feels weird and kinda gross (sticky and oily) But I SWEAR it has worked. I've only been doing it a week today and I'm already ok going out in public without make up on !
  • neutrogena
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