Monday, July 26, 2010

What's the best way to get rid of acne scars?

Cocoa butter stretch mark creame, it also helps scars go away too.What's the best way to get rid of acne scars?
put cocoa butter on every night after you bathe and also in the morningWhat's the best way to get rid of acne scars?
special treatment
The previous response is referring to the products called ';Maderma'; It ';minimizes'; the appearance of scars. For more prominant results, look in to microdermabrasion. It's done in a serious of appointments, with highly visible and positive results.
Look for something with allantoin and onion extract in it. Another option is laser treatment.

Goto Wal-mart and look in the cosmetics or makeup section. There you'll find a little orange bottle made by Netrugena that says ';acne mark peel'; or something like costs about $12.88 and it will make your scars and marks go away in a couple of cousin uses it and she said ti works great
i forget what it's called but they have it on some commercials, you rub it on your scars on it makes them a lot less visable. look up on google for products to get rid of acne scars!
Retina is prescription only, contains something that makes your skin burn and peel. Aqua Glycolic , you can buy at Walgreen's, and is contains the most hydroxy acid than any other product you will find over the counter. this also burns the skin and causes it to peel. 6 oz. around 15 dollars.if you scars are really deep you may need to see a skin Dr. you will see faster and better results with a Dr.
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at
You can control problematic acne through diet, regular cleansing procedures, and herbal remedies. That's the most effective way to combat the tendencies of skin that is prone to acne and acne-related scarring. Gently wash the area affected 2 x's daily with mild soap. Scrubbing or grating the skin will only aggravate the condition and lead to scarring. Wash hair thoroughly and regularly and keep it away from the face and shoulders. Avoid wearing make-up and facial cosmetics. If you must, take care to use make-up that is hypoallergenic. In order to prevent scarring, do not pop or squeeze pimples. Popping and squeezing pimples is tempting, but can easily cause infection and the development of unwanted scar tissue.
I actually read this really good article about it, you'll find more useful information there I'm sure:鈥?/a>
Mederma is good for scars and even stretch marks and can be found in most drug stores in the lotions areas. You can also try micro dermabrasion either at home (Neutrogena is a good one and relatively inexpensive) or at a salon but check with your dermatologist first for that.
Best acne Treatment on internet for acne scars:

Available anywhere in the world.

Check it out:
  • maybelline
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