Monday, July 26, 2010

Microdermabrasion for acne scars plz help?

im gettin the procedure done next week and am just wondering if anyone has got it done and did they get their desired results im 17 so my skin is still young but i have a lot of tiny acne scars from picking them when i was younger and i am just wonderin will this get rid of them ?? and is this worth gettin done by the way they are noway near severe jus red marks and a few depressed scarsMicrodermabrasion for acne scars plz help?
i am still in the process of getting it done- i currently have done about 4 or 5 procedures (you need around 5 or 6). it is easy, fast, and does not hurt. as long as you continue to avoid touching and picking the area of the scars/acne, then yes it has awesome results! if your skin is like mine, you might also have discoloration in which case the dermatologist gave me some bleaching medicine which you can still use while doing the microderm. %26lt;33Microdermabrasion for acne scars plz help?
It's worth it. Trust me do it you won't regret it. Right after you get it done your skin may be a bit irritated but it's sooo worth it. is a wonderful idea

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