Saturday, July 24, 2010

Besides microdermabrasion, what's a way to lighten or lessen the appearance of acne scars/marks?

Why not micoredermabrasion, now with micoredermabrasion home kit you can do it at home, it is easy and effective鈥?/a>Besides microdermabrasion, what's a way to lighten or lessen the appearance of acne scars/marks?
a safe and good way is to use cocoa butter or shea butter.Besides microdermabrasion, what's a way to lighten or lessen the appearance of acne scars/marks?
try your boyfreinds saliva.
My daughter is fighting the same battle. Her dermatologist told her to wear a high sunscreen, like 45. Now mind you, she is medium brown skin AA girl, so that level sunscreen is what red headed white people wear. But her doctor does not want them to keep getting darker.

The sunscreen doesn't work. She's still tanning!

Anyway, the doctor also said ';time';. Basically, we didnt' get much help.

I hope others know things that really work that they have used.
  • maybelline
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