Thursday, July 22, 2010

How do you get rid of acne scars help please ???

use maderma, that usually gets rid of it within a few weeks. or you can consult a dermotologist for treatment.How do you get rid of acne scars help please ???
laser or a face peel good luckHow do you get rid of acne scars help please ???
Acne is natural process. Don't be upset. It is occur in the outer layer of the skin '; epidermis layer';.

You have to know your skin type:

is it dry skin, oily, sensitive, combination, or normal skin.

Moreover, you have to know type of pigment scars is it brown or red, The other type called pitted scars.

There are lots of pharmaceutical products for each type.

Like Lotions, Creams, Moisturizer at night time, and exfoliators.

Some product contain substance called ';Mandelic Acid or Malic acid'; to remove acne scars in a certain percent of the product. In addition, Alpha hydroxy acids in different concentration.

Don't try to touch these scars all the time, Just forget it and keep it clean by using some antiseptic or some other cleaners. By the way, there is some benefits of using Honey to clean it. Just try it while you having a shower.

I hope that will help you. Good Luck!
you can't unless you go in for Lazer surgery.... there might be a way to lighten them up quite a bit, but to find that just go to and type in home remedies to get rid of acne scars...

Hope this helps. Take care, Best wishes.
Well Acne Free brand products has something in their line that fades scars. . .yah, I dunno if it works though
I recently purchased something called Bio its abot 拢9. for a small bottle but works with daily use on scars . I have surgery scars and its worked well at reducing them

Ive found it cheaper look鈥?/a>

lasers, its expensive but it works
Yeah I agree with Ebonique, Palmers is a really good brand.
try bio oil it really does help .. check out the link ...
Are they flat red scars or pock marks?

Flat red scars can be lazered, pock marks can be treated with dermabrasion.

Neither result will give you you 'perfect' skin and both are expensive. No home dermabrasion kit will be anywhere near strong enough to treat the problem, so don't waste your money. Similarly, so dermabrasion offered by beauticians will do it. Proper dermabrasion can't avoid breaking the skin, in the UK beauticians are not licenced to do this, it can only be done by Cosmetic Surgeons (thus is you have a facial in the USA they'll pick and poce at your zits, in the UK they just wipe nice creams over you).

Don't let the term 'cosmetic surgeon' scare you. You do get cosmetic surgeons who only train in doing a bit of scar removal and their work is very reasonable (拢50 - 拢60). You'll find them on-line, but do expect to travel a bit for a good one.

Good luck
eat less fatty foods, processed foods. ur better off without it at all.
Use Palmers Co-Coa Butter skin cream. It usually works for blemishes and scars. Or try using Proactive Solution. Even celebrities use it like Ashley Simpson and Pee-Diddy Combs. It's only $19.95 if you order it by phone. The telephone number for proactive is 1-900-203-7326. I guarantee you that it works. I have three friends who use it and it really worked for there face. And it not only gets rid of acne but it also prevents breakout and it also makes dark spots and blemishes and even scars go away. I plan on using it myself.

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