Saturday, July 24, 2010

What can i do about the scars on my face from acne?

i used this clean %26amp; clear product that i thought was going to help me get rid of my acne but i think thats what caused the scars.They look like red spots on my skin.Like chicken pot or red spots under my skin. i realy wana get rid of the spots.what can i do about my scars? would it work if i put cocoa butter lotion on my face?What can i do about the scars on my face from acne?
Mederma, expensive, but worksWhat can i do about the scars on my face from acne?
OMG i have the same problem lol if you find a good answer plz tell me =D
cocoa butter works for scars but I do not recommend you use it on your face. It will only clog your pores more creating more acne. I made the mistake of doing that and my derm. told me never to do that again. I do not know your budget but Lancome has a great line called Pure Focus. I used the exfoliating face wash, the toner, and the moisturizer. It worked great for me. I have mild, stress related acne and while I don't breakout too much, the pimples I do get scar really bad. Hope this helps.

Cocoa butter is good for getting rid of scars, because I know from personal expierience from having scars on my legs from falling alot. It works on the face to, its gentle and it gives your skin moisturizing natural oils during it's healing process. ( put it on every day till it completely heals!
Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes this when done regularly , helps to get rid of acne, blemishes and pimple scar. Check out for more useful info.

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