Saturday, July 24, 2010

I have acne and scars, when is the best time to apply honey to your skin?

when is it the best time to use and is there a certain type of honey that you use or can you use any on the market?I have acne and scars, when is the best time to apply honey to your skin?
You can use the regular honey thats on the market and there is no best time to use it. You can use it anytime you want.

I heard that if you get pimples and dab a honey on it it heals quickly. I tried this 6 months ago lolz don't remember if it really helped :S

But i do use Sandal wood powder(might find it in Indian stores, I got mine from my home country), honey(any kinda of that you can get in the store) and a lil water mixed with it on my face when I have acne scars. It does help if you use it regularly. Kinda lightens up the scars and leaves the skin looking smoother. Just let it dry on your face for 20-30 minutes. Then wash it with warm water. I'm gonna apply it today also! wieeee!I have acne and scars, when is the best time to apply honey to your skin?
For sure when there aren't any bees around.
Honey, where did you hear that from?
excellent combinations for a mask are grated apple with honey, and a combo of egg white, a few drops of witch hazel and lemon juice.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne

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