Monday, July 26, 2010

I have Post acne scars can anybody suggest me a treatment?

This quickly, safely and permanently got of rid of my dark spots, discolorations even pronounced scars with phenomenal success. I learned about it as a child from great grandparents but regretfully tried virtually all the commercial remedies to no avail before finally trying it. Secret is to massage them over and over quite vigorously and if persevered with - it simply rubs them away and forces a new clear skin to surface. You have to be patient and keep up the massage on a daily basis. Try to build up to 30 minutes or even more. You will see improvements in about 5 to 7 days and significant results in about 2 to 3 weeks depending on how vigorously and for how long you have been able to massage. Keep it up and I assure you it will, overtime, get rid of all scars. It's worked for many. See my Best Answers. If applied to entire face it can give you a virtually blemish free and healthy, younger looking skin..

Use olive l oil. A Google search will tell you that it's a good treatment for acne and oily prone skins. It's a natural moisturizer, quickly absorbs into skin and does not leave face oily. Massage with a forward and back motion using finger tips and front and side of fingers depending where on face you massage. A circular motion is less effective. Email me if need more info.

SOURCE(S): 20+ years research into safe, natural cures and treatments for skin conditions and of anti-aging and rejuvenation treatments..I have Post acne scars can anybody suggest me a treatment?
If you have scarring, the acne scar treatment you get will depend on the type of scars you have, as well as on your skin type.

You can consider:

Chemical Peel,Laser, Exoderm Peel,Isolagen

Filler for scars,Microdermabrasion,Dermabrasion

Scar excision,Subcision,Needling.

For mild acne scars you can try Zenmed scar removal kit.

For a complete guide to acne scars removal products and treatments i suggest you to visit have Post acne scars can anybody suggest me a treatment?
Mix nutmeg powder with a little unboiled milk and apply on acne and wash after an hour this remedy when done once or twice a week will not leave any acne marks on the skin . Check out for more useful info.
you have any scotch brite there, just rub it every time you bath... but be sure it wont damage your skin be gentle... after that you apply some vit. E to renew your skin..maybe after 4 months you well see some changes...
Get a chemical face face---your dermatologist can tell you more.鈥?/a>

take homoeopathic kali brom 30 4 pills three times a day

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